Welcome to Nawawis40Hadith.Com, a resource to help you learn, study and apply the teachings, lessons and benefits in al-Nawawī's Forty Hadīth.
Al-Nawawī's Forty Hadīth
This is the small and concise work of the Islamic Scholar Yaḥyā bin Sharaf al-Dīn al-Nawawī (raḥimahullāh) known as "The Forty [Hadīths] of al-Nawawī". It is one of the gems of Islamic heritage and contains 42 carefully selected aḥādīth from the sayings of the Prophet Muḥammad (ṣallallāhu alayhi wasallam) which comprise many foundational aspects of the religion. Ḥadīth translations have been provided in their revised form by Abū Īyāḍ
About Imām al-Nawawī
His full name is Abū Zakariyā Muḥyi al-Dīn bin Sharaf al-Nawawī. His title refers to a place called Nawā near Damascus in Shām. He was born in 631H and his father - who was known to be a pious man - seeing intelligence and wisdom in his child, resolved to provide him a sound education. Al-Nawawī grew to be person of piety, learning, wisdom and excellent character. Whilst he only lived for 45 years - dying in 676H - he had written a large number of books in numerous fields. His well known works include Al-Arbaʿīn (the current work), Riyāḍ al-Ṣāliḥīn, Kitāb al-Adhkār amongst others.
About This Web App
The "Nawawi's Forty Hadith" app that was available on Apple Itunes and Google Play since 2011 has been converted into this responsive web app to make it more accessible. Over time, inshāʾAllāh, we will add explanatory notes from the various commentaries on this text.
Abū ʿIyāḍ
Rajab 1440H / March 2019